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Amolatar Prepares For Mass Polio Immunization Campaign

6 September 2017-
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A child receiving a dose of Polio Vaccine

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By Adero Grace:

An estimated 32,618 children in Amolatar district are expected to be vaccinated against Polio by the Ministry of Health in conjunction with the District Local Government.

The Polio vaccination campaign will run from Saturday September 9th to Sunday September 11th 2017 across the district.

The Assistant District Health Officer, Ogwal Alex said up to 218 health workers will

be engaged to vaccinate all children under 5 years. Each health worker will vaccinate children in 2 villages over the three days of the House to House Campaign.

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This the Ministry of Health say is part of a global campaign targeting countries considered vulnerable to new Polio epidemics because of the movements of large numbers of people due to factors such as war and famine.

Uganda is considered vulnerable especially because of the influx of refugees from countries such as South Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo. In Uganda, the campaign also targets districts considered to be at risk.

Speaking at the first meeting of the district coordination committee, the Resident District

Commissioner Canon Richard Ogwang Odyero urged parents and health workers to ensure that all children are vaccinated in order to protect them against polio.

He urged all stakeholders such as leaders of religious institutions, cultural leaders and all political leaders to support the campaign as any attempt to frustrate or disrupt the exercise will be against the law.

Speaking at the same meeting, the District Chairman Simon Peter Ongom called on health workers, district councilors and Sub-county leaders to work hard to realize at least 95 percent success during the vaccination exercise.
