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Death Has Robbed Catholics Of Fr. Luigi Varesco

7 October 2017-
[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="1_2"][et_pb_image _builder_version="3.0.65" src="http://www.radiowa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/death_announcement.jpg" show_in_lightbox="off" url_new_window="off" use_overlay="off" sticky="on" align="center" always_center_on_mobile="on" border_style="solid" force_fullwidth="on" /][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type="1_2"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.0.65" background_layout="light" text_orientation="left" border_style="solid"] By Otonga Pelegrine

A Comboni Missionary who spent many years working in Uganda, particularly in Lango has died in Italy at the age of 89 years.

Fr. Luigi Varesco died yesterday 6th October in the town of Verona where he was transferred to a special house for old and sick missionaries after suffering a stroke a few months ago.

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The Bishop of Lira Diocese, Rt. Rev. Joseph Franzelli who broke the news about the death of Fr Varesco said, he met the ailing priest while in Italy less than a month ago from where he was able to convey his greetings to whoever knows him in Lira Diocese.

The Lord has now suddenly called his faithful and hard working servant. Let us join in prayer, thanking God for the gift of the life and the missionary work of Fr. Luigi Varesco, asking the Lord to mercifully welcome him into his Kingdom and to give him the reward reserved to those who left everything and spent their life for spreading the gospel”, the Bishop said in his condolence message.

Fr. Varesco was born on 18th October 1926 in the Diocese of Trento, Italy. He entered the institute of the Comboni Missionaries and made his first vows in 1950. He was ordained in 1952. In the same year, he left for Uganda where he worked for 30 years up to 1981, when he was asked to go and serve for a while in Germany. After 4 years in 1984, he was allowed to come back to Uganda, in Lango, where he worked for another 16 years up to the year 2000, when he had to leave for Italy.

Eternal rest, grant to him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul rest in peace! Amen.
