(by Pelegrine Otonga) [ Courtesy Photo: Movit Product & KikuubOOnline Team]
Much as the Covid-19 epidemic came with challenges in marketing of products by the manufacturers, Movit Products Limited -MPL has last Tuesday July 27th announced a partnership where through KikuuboOnline, Movit customers will access the products on the online stores. The initiative will enable the Leading Manufacture of Baby Care, Hair Care and Skin Care Products in Uganda to access the products through purchases anywhere at anytime via KikuubOOnline.
Welcoming the partnership, Caroline Remi, Senior Manager Market Operations at Movit Products mentioned that, “Our partnership with KikuubOOnline comes at a time when there is steady growth of the e-commerce platform where KikuubOOnline operates, an enabling platform for us to have more avenues where our customers can access our products at anytime and anywhere. The partnership will deliver Skin Guard hand sanitizer for free to up 1,200 shoppers who place orders on the KikubOOnline platform starting on 27th July 2021.”
Paul Muyobo, Marketing Manager at KikubOOnline noted that, “We are pleased to have formed this partnership with Movit Products, given the heritage and dominance that the brand holds in the cosmetics and sanitary care space.”
“E-commerce being on the steady rise, it is key that we incorporate innovative approaches to our service delivery. This will be made possible if we extend services that not only offer convenience to purchase a product, but have the products delivered right at your door step like what KikubOOnline does,” remarked Muyobo.