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Amolatar Children With Disabilities Aided

19 August 2017-
By Joel Okao Tema A project that will enable 500 children with disabilities in Amolatar district access education has been launched at Alemere Primary School with promises for a better future for the beneficiaries and their families. Speaking at the launch of the project on Thursday 10th August 2017 , the district chairman Simon Peter Ongom Seydu pledged total support of the district political and technical leadership to the successful implementation of the project. Under the project, 500 children with disabilities who are currently out of school are to be identified and supported to access quality education in 10 selected model primary schools across the district. The children will also get comprehensive medical examination and treatment plus aids such as wheel chairs and hearing devices depending on their kind of disability. Five hundred households from which the beneficiary children come from will be supported to set up income generating projects to enable them support the disabled children after the project has closed. Other beneficiaries will be 130 primary school teachers to be equipped with skills and competencies to support children with disabilities. 220 members of school management committees and leaders of Sub-county local governments and the district local government will also be trained. The project is funded by Dubai Cares, a foundation of the leader of Dubai which supports children across 45 countries around the world to access inclusive and quality education. Cheshire Services Uganda is implementing it, a Kampala based NGO supporting people with disability in partnership with Leonard Cheshire Disability based in the United Kingdom and Amolatar District Local Government. Speaking at the launch, the Resident District Commissioner, Canon Richard Ogwang Odyero said the project was well conceived and had the full backing of the central government as it will transform the lives of children with disabilities. The Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Peter Okello Epila urged parents of children with disabilities in the district to ensure they access education in order to be self-reliant.