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Bishops Lead Thousands In Match For Peace Through Nebbi Town

14 January 2020-

(by Radio Wa Reporters in Nebbi) [Picture by JB Odongo]

Thousands of Nebbi residents on Tuesday 14th January 2020 joined the pilgrims that have thronged Nebbi Diocese to celebrate the 15th Edition of the Provincial Prayer and Peace Week in a peace match through the town of Nebbi. The match is the tradition to announce and demonstrate to the public the call for peace celebrated in the event that unites the Ecclesiastical Dioceses of Gulu, Arua, Nebbi and Lira in prayers for peace and reconciliation for the region that once underwent wars and destruction due to political and tribal differences.

Speaking in an interview as they walked along, the Archbishop of Gulu and the brain behind the 15 year old peace initiative said peace is a journey of hope which should bring the spirit of dialogue, reconciliation and protecting the environment. “Lets not make our environment rebel against us...let the year 2020 be the year to promote dialogue, promote reconciliation and protection of our environment” he said while responding to the interview conducted for Radio Wa by Fr. Alfred Okello Jr, the curate of St. Joseph the Worker Agweng Parish.

The Bishop of Lira Diocese, Santos Lino Wanok said peace is very fundamental and everyone should match with peace in their hearts “because we are created in the image of God who is Peace!” “Peace is the relationship between us in harmony and this must be promoted by every human being on this planet”, he said.

Though looking exhausted but keeping pace with with the speed of the matching, Bishop Emeritus Joseph Franzelli said peace as a journey is something that happens only in a day but an everyday mission of seeking the right direction. “For 15 years, the Peace Week have been in the spirit of peace and hoping that the power of God will make it bear fruit for peace in our society and in Uganda”. Looking back at conception of the Peace Week, Bishop Sabino Ocan Odoki of Arua Diocese said the events have helped the people to come together and be peaceful. “We don't want war anymore. We are all brothers and sisters and all are children of God”.

Meanwhile, the host and the Diocesan Administrator of Nebbi Diocese Monsignor Emmanuel Odaga made reference to Paradise where Adam and Eve lived saying, God created peace so that we may be happy and united. “So happiness and unity are among the values that we want to achieve by celebrating peace, and peace is something which is necessary across all spheres of our lives”. He said the prayer and peace week is particularly dedicated for peace in the world, in Uganda, in the Ecclesiastical Province of Gulu, in the families but above all, “Peace in our hearts”.