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Each Homestead In Adwir, Alebtong District To Have 10 Planted Trees

6 May 2021-
(by Isabella Awor Olong)   The authorities in Adwir Sub county in Alebtong district are encouraging the residents to plant trees mostly the eucalyptus species around their homesteads during this rainy season to prevent floods. The Local Chairperson elect of the Sub county Francis Ogwang Abwang said each home should at least plant10 trees. He says research shows that eucalyptus tree can help drain water thus, avoiding flooding and also to act as wind breaks against strong winds that blow off roofs and cause other destruction. He said planting of eucalyptus trees are affordable since each seedling cost only 300 shillings. Lately, Alao Primary School in Acaba Sub county, Oyam district was hit by a heavy storm that blew off the roofs of 3 classroom blocks, left two pupils with minor injuries and also destroyed documents in the headteachers office, an incident the authorities say would have been avoided if trees were in place to act as wind breakers.