Lira Grade One Magistrate’s Court on Thursday cancelled the bail application earlier given to three suspects accused of stealing animals belonging to Prof. William Otim Nape, in April 2018 from the professor’s home in Oroma village, Agege parish, Bala Sub-county in Kole district.
The three suspects identified as Ogwang Bonny the LCI of Oroma village, his Vice Ogwang George, and Omara Isaac the son to Ogwang George were paraded before Magistrate Igga Adiru.
The major suspect Tandeke Geoffrey who is on remand at Lira Central Prison was a herdsman of Prof. William Otim Nape for 3 years but he connived with the area leaders to steal the animals which they later sold at Amach Market in Lira District.
Tandeka was remanded after he skipped bail and escaped for 4 months and attempted to cross to Tanzania, prompting court to cancel his bail application ,
Court then adjourned the matter till 21st May 2019 for judgement since some of the court documents related to the case were in the Magistrate's Laptop Computer which was not available.