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Lira People Living With HIV/AIDs Celebrate End Of Year With Calls Of Hope

24 December 2019-

(by Flavia Patience Amolo)

The Community Seeking Better Life-COSBEL annual Christmas celebration and end of the Year thanksgiving was for the first time graced by the two Bishops of Lira Diocese; the ordinary Rt. Rev. Santo Lino Wanok and Emeritus Rt. Rev. Joseph Franzelli. The event that took place at the COSBEL home at Ngetta on 21st December, had over 300 persons living with HIV/AIDs and are members of COSBEL attending.

In his message of comfort and hope, Bishop Santo Lino Wanok said for those with faith in Christ, there is no death but only transition to the next life eternal with God. He applauded the members of COSBEL whom he described as “a new clan” of people who have accepted to belong to one another, to grow in faith and develop economically.

Bishop Emeritus Joseph Franzelli who for years as Bishop of Lira Diocese supported the Comboni Sisters founded organization, said each year the members of COSBEL come together to reflect and thank God for the gift of life. He said its because of the love of God that they have been able to celebrate the birth of Christ sent by God to redeem them.

As tradition has it, the occasion saw 60 members receiving goats being proceeds from the previous year's donation to beneficiary members. While blessing the goats and the congregation, Bishop Santo Lino Wanok expressed his joy for the initiative and encouraged them to continue upholding the spirit of togetherness.