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National Water Body Denies Overcharging Consumers In Lira

13 March 2019-

(by Sam Ogwal Alero)

The National Water and Sewerage Cooperation branch in Lira has denied allegation that water price is too high to be afforded by the local consumers. Mr. Mwijuka Stephen, the Senior Commercial Officer for National Water and Sewerage Cooperation said a jerrycan of 20 liter of water should not exceed Fifty Shillings which is quite reasonable a price.

Speaking during the launch of the National Water and Sanitation Week for Lira District at Akibua Stadium on Tuesday 12th March, Mwijuka blamed some of their clients who manage their piped water as a business for overcharging their customers. He said the water body charges only 25 shillings per jerrycan of 20 liters leaving their clients with a good profit margin if they sell at 50 shillings.

Earlier, Adong Caroline, head of sanitation at Lira Central Market raised a complaint that the said hygiene inside the market is alarming because water was disconnected after consumers failed to pay the high costs of water from National Water and Sewerage Corporation. Mwijuka promised to ensure that their customers stop selling water expensively because it impacts very negatively to life. In most water points within Lira Town, a 20 liter Jerrycan of water is being sold at ranging from 100 to 300 shillings. The National Water and Sanitation Week for this year got celebrated under the theme; Water and Environment: a strategic drive in attainment of development goals 2030.