(by Pelegrine Otonga)
It has been a long journey seeking to serve the Lord, writes Rev. Fr. Jacob Raymond Komakech in the official handbook of the Priestly Ordination(23rd November 2019). “ This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it (Ps 118:24). It is a day we have always looked forward to share the joy of the Lord. Finally we have witnessed it and are very grateful to the Lord”
He hails from Aboke Parish. First Phase of Pastoral Spiritual Year(PSY) at Corpus Christi Aber Parish, second PSY Uganda Martyrs Minakulu Parish and pastoral assignments for Diaconate mission of service and experience at Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Parish-Aloi. To date-Pastoral work-Our Lady of Mercy. Education Background: St. Joseph's Minor Seminary (UCE), Sacred Heart Minor Seminary-Lacor, Bachelors of Arts Degree in Social Philosophical Studies and Diploma in Social Philosophical Studies and Human Science - Alokolum National Major Seminary, Dip. In Theology and Religious Studies, Bachelor of Theology-St. Mary's National Seminary Ggaba with affiliation of Urbaniana University and Master of Arts in Religious Studies-Makerere University.