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Peasants In Lango Cry Foul Over Alleged Fake Maize Seeds

6 May 2021-

(by Immaculate Acen)


Some peasant in Lango region who plant maize are anticipating crop failures after witnessing poor germination of the seeds. This is after their of well prepared gardens and the favorable weather conditions for the growth of the maize in this season.

A group of farmers under their umbrella organization called Anyapu Farmers Co-operative Society in Agali Sub-County in Lira district suspect that the crop failure could be due to the sale of fake seeds by some Agro-input dealers.

But, the Senior Agricultural Officer for Lira Mr. Ario Mike said farmers should take note of the labels on every seed packets and ensure that they are given receipts in case they find fault with the seeds and report the anomaly in time.